Friday, December 27, 2013

Encouraging Healthy Eating with Fun Food.

I am really into the idea of making mealtime fun for kids--plus it's a great conversation piece.  I am so envious of the fabulous Bento Boxes you see for kids on Pinterest and other blogs, but it seems like doing fun luches takes an awful lot of supplies, time, and planning--all things that I am currently deprived of.  (Although improving all of that are legit goals for the new year).

We had been having some trouble with Marley at mealtime--particularly dinner & breakfast.  (We're not really with him too often at lunchtime, but I know he gets fed an awful lot of McDonalds on other occasions, so I doubt they have the same problems).  In any case, I set out to purchase more healthy options at the grocery store  & make mealtime more fun for Marley.

The first day of this plan involved staying up late looking at Pinterest & all of the fun meal ideas for breakfast & lunch....then I went to the grocery store with healthy options in mind.  I thought I did well until I saw the bill was about $100 more than one of my usual solo grocery trips (shopping with the kid or husband is an entirely different story).

I leaped out of bed when my alarm went off the next morning to make my son some delicious happy face pancakes with fresh fruit, fruit rollup hair & the best happy face I could make--only to have him still detest it.

Motherhood can be crappy like that.  I jumped through hoops and was so excited for the reaction I was looking for, only to have him push it aside and demand chocolate donuts or nothing.  That day, he ate nothing, but other days I would have ran to the Quicktrip to get him what he wanted.  Needless to say, I didn't make pancakes the next day...

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